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LCCA 2015 Annual Convention - Danvers, MA - Boston

It’s “Bean Town” for ‘15

OK, so it’s not really “Bean Town”, but Danvers, Mass, for the 2015 LCCA Annual Convention. Danvers is on Boston’s North Shore and we have the Doubletree North Shore Hotel to call home for our week amongst the whales, witches, lobsters and all the history of the area. For you youngsters in spirit or age, there is attached to the Doubletree the “CoCo Key Water Park” where you can act like a kid, even if you are a couple of years past the “kid” age. 

The tours will be fun, interesting, and educational, but don’t let the word “educational” keep you away. The sights are truly beautiful and very picturesque, so be sure to bring your camera. Most, if not all, permits photos and for some you will have to turn off your flash, but you can still get some outstanding shots. A lot of the tours will be outdoors, and the Northeast in July is perfect for blue sky, white puffy clouds and a pleasant warm temperature. 

Convention Co-Chair Jerry Calkins is working on the tours and you should be seeing the details in the February issue of The Lion Roars. So start making your plans now to attend this first ever club convention in the Boston area. Also, a surprise awaits those who want to extend a couple of days and would like another train excursion. There will be a limited number of seats, so be on the lookout and don’t say you weren’t warned.

To all the new LCCA members who came over from the Lionel Rail Roaders Club, let me welcome you and invite you to come see why everyone says the LCCA has the best conventions of all the train clubs. We have FUN! And we want you to come and experience it with us. The tours are varied; they are outstanding and fairly priced and if you like real trains, baseball, witches, whales, presidents or crab boils, this convention has something for everyone.

Make plans now to come join us in Danvers, MA at the Doubletree Hotel from July 19-25, and be a part of the convention for the Best Train Club on the Planet, the LCCA’s 45th Annual Convention. 

Bob Carter
RM 6620
Convention Co-Chair