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LCCA Members Shuffle In Buffalo (6-1-13 SE recap)

The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) had a great Special Event (SE) on 6-1-13 at the homes of Lou and Roseanna Merzacco and Lou and Sandy Scozzafava. Over 67 guests enjoyed the impressive operating layouts in Lou M. and Lou S's home basements. more

October 5 - Special Event in Loveland CO - "Trains on the Plains"

Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) members should mark their calendars and plan to attend Trains on the Plains - Model Railroad Expo on Saturday, October 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. more

May 11 - Bald Knob AR Special Event Recap

The Lionel Collectors Club of America's planned Meet and Greet with Lou Caponi went off without Lou...but he was very much there through Mike Mottler (Editor of The Lion Roars) and Barrie Braden (Editor of Interchange Track) more

May 18 Special Event in Bloomsburg, PA (Recap)

The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) attended the third annual Train Show in the Columbia Mall in Bloomsburg PA on Saturday, May 18, 2013. This family friendly train show was held inside of the Columbia Mall and open to the public. more

May 25 - Caponi visits in Bald Knob, AR

LCCA President-elect Lou Caponi will be in Arkansas for a few days in late May. He will visit ARKANSAS TRAVELER HOBBIES in Bald Knob, AR, on Saturday, May 25, from 10 to noon for a "talk trains" session and a Q&A exchange with LCCA members, ATH O-gauge hobbyists, and others with an interest in Lionel and the hobby. more

May 4 - Special Event in Marceline, MO - Walt Disney (Museum Recap)

The Lionel Collectors Club of America was in Marceline, MO, the hometown of Walt Disney on May 4 for an all-day celebration of the Disney legacy at the Walt Disney Hometown Museum, BNSF locomotive and train car exhibits, and the Second Annual Model Train Show and Sale. Despite snow and rain conditions, several hundred people attend this fun, family oriented event. more

October 16 - York PA - Casual Dutch Treat Dinner and Social Event

LCCA members, family and friends are all invited to attend a casual, informal get together on Wednesday evening October 16, 2013 at Smokey Bones Restaurant and Bar in York, PA 17404 (717-846-3760). This will be a Dutch Treat event starting at 6:30 PM till? This Annual event is a great opportunity to meet with fellow members from all over the country. more

August 24-25 LCCA/CTTG Toy Train Auction -Denver

Lionel Collectors Club of America and the Colorado Toy Train Group, LLC (CTTG) will co-sponsor their sixth consecutive Public Toy Train Auction, August 24th and 25th, 2013 in the Denver suburb of Westminster, Colorado. more

September 28 - LCCA, Chicagoland and Lionel joint event

On September 28, the LCCA, Chicagoland Lionel Railroad Club and Lionel will have a joint event. Save the date. More info to follow. more

May 11, 2013 - Arkansas Traveler Hobbies, Bald Knob, AR.

May 11, 2013 - Arkansas Traveler Hobbies, Bald Knob, AR. will be hosting a National Train Day event on Saturday,. Activities will include: Hands-on construction of one or more Lionel Fastrack Railroad Modules...Layout design clinics...A Repair and Maintenance station...Forums on the care of older trains, and today's technically loaded locomotives, and Operation Lifesaver classes as well. more